
3 Reasons your injuries are not getting better

a man with a black dog

3 Reasons your injuries are not getting better

3 reasons you are staying “injured”

Before we start this blog we are going to define injured. By injured, I am talking about a niggle that always hurts when doing “x” movement, something that doesn’t stop you from training but may hurt the day of or day after you do a specific movement.

1) You are married to percentages.
The program called for 85%, therefore no matter how bad I am feeling after a stressful week, or minimal sleep or average nutrition, I must hit 85% for said repetitions.
We always preach the percentages are merely a guide. We program them because when we don’t program them the first question we get asked is what percentage should I do. It also helps us with load management from a global perspective.
Our suggestion is to set your standard. Be it, no stepping forward, strong lockout etc. If you are not maintaining your or your coaches standard then don’t go up. Don’t view this as a failure, view this as an opportunity to get better. If you cannot hit the required percentage with the required technique, then imagine how your lifts will feel when you can.

2) You’re not telling your coach
Often lifters will not tell their coach how they are feeling for two reasons. One is they do not want the program to change because the program is magic, therefore if the program is modified I will not make the progress I desire. The second reason is they think that it will go away.
Regardless of which reason you are not telling your coach, do not do either. The more information we have as coaches the better we can help modify the program to suit your individual needs to keep you progressing.

3) Zero effort towards recovery
Training unfortunately is the easy part. I don’t care what anyone says. Yes, training is hard but it is also rewarding in that it is fun (more often than not). Recovery (nutrition, sleep, active recovery) is where the gains are to be had. Once you have a consistent training schedule and you have been training for a while if you don’t have Recovery sorted then you will be pushing the proverbial uphill. No one is walking into the gym saying; “Damn, that was a great 10-hour sleep after some mindfulness last night.” Being an athlete is about focusing on all areas, having a growth mindset with your training, recovery and personal life.

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